The Bunnell House to Reopen this Summer – Looking for Performers!

The Bunnell House to Reopen this Summer – Looking for Performers!

The Winona County Historical Society has teamed up with Theatre du Mississippi to offer a completely new historical experience at the WCHS’ historic house in Homer, Minnesota this summer. Visitors to the Bunnell House will step back in time with the Bunnells to witness the events of early Winona unfold. This summer’s performance, The Hired Girl Gets Married, will take visitors back to 1856 as the Bunnells ready the house for the celebration. It is a time for new beginnings, not only for a young bride, but all, as pioneers in a new land, forging a new life and new identity.

Auditions will take place Friday, April 10 at 7 p.m. at Masonic Theater (255 Main Street, Winona) The performances will run June 27 through August 2, with two performances each Saturday and Sunday. Evening rehearsals will start around May 21, with a more intensive period of rehearsals two weeks prior to the opening. Performers will be paid.

Director, Paul Sannerud, is looking for ten actors to play the following five roles: Willard Bunnell, a rough frontiersman; Matilda Bunnell, Willard’s strong but ladylike wife; John Dyer, a rough-and-ready itinerant preacher; Rachel Vennon, the innocent bride-to-be; and Harry Herrick, her bookish fiancé.

Learn more about the historic Bunnell House at visit Theatre du Mississippi online at



  1. Liz Bach on April 6, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Can’t wait to be in the audience!!