2 Sugars, Room for Cream

Theatre du Mississippi was founded in Winona, MN in 1997. Since then, we have brought stories to life on stage utilizing the talent in our own community. 2 Sugars, Room for Cream is a terrific representation of our commitment to amplify regional playwrights and performers. This play is a collection of moments between people, showing how relationships can change, grow, and begin thanks to a chance encounter, an inside joke, or a shared favorite song. In adulthood, we sometimes think our friendships are set in stone, but 2 Sugars, Room for Cream reminds us that it’s never too late to make a new friend, heal old wounds, or accept yourself.
Theatre du Mississippi would like to thank Shanan Custer and Carolyn Pool for their beautiful play and collaboration while we worked to bring this show to life.
We hope you enjoy the performance and thank you, patron, of the theater, for supporting Theatre du Mississippi.
Cast List
(In order of appearance)
Andrea C. Guerrero León
Annabel Lembke
Cynthia Knouft
Lisa K. Adams
Terrie Burbach
Rae Peter
Jaye Clarke*
Caitilin McCoy*
LaShara Morgan
Maurella Cunningham
Director, Production Manager, & Sound Designer:
Kara Eggers*
Assistant Director & Stage Manager:
Michael Opiola
Lighting Designer: Daryl Lanz
House Manager: Elizabeth Scott
*involved in 2020 canceled production
Board Members
Brittany Clipsham (President)
Kara Eggers (Vice President)
Tom Hill (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Scott (Secretary)
Lacey Korb (At-Large)
Michael Opiola (At-Large)
Daryl Lanz (At-Large)